Please read the following important terms and conditions before you register on our Platform.
CultureTree Ltd. acts as an introduction agent. We introduce suitable candidates to work as bilingual nannies (‘Applicant’) for our Clients (‘Client’). CultureTree Ltd. does not employ any of the Applicants, directly or indirectly. Applicants are introduced to Clients on the basis that they will be employed by the Client, unless the Applicant is self-employed.
Key Information for Parents (Clients)
- As a Client you will be engaging directly with the Applicant to provide you with childcare services.
- You will become the Applicant’s employer. At all times the employment relationship is between the Client and Applicant. We are never a party to the employment contract between the Client and Applicant.
- At all times you are responsible for all duties and obligations as the Applicant’s employer including without limitation paying the Applicant’s, holidays, sick pay, maternity rights, paternity rights.
- You will pay us a set-up fee upon an offer of engagement being made to the Applicant and being accepted by the latter. Payment of the fee is due upon this acceptance, and not upon the commencement of employment.
- A team member will have a phone interview with the Applicant before you meet them and see their CV or list of experience. CultureTree Ltd. cannot guarantee the suitability or safety of candidates. Whilst we do ensure that all Applicants have DBS and the necessary childcare training, we cannot guarantee completion of the training or checks as these are undertaken by the Applicant. No further ‘vetting’ is conducted by CultureTree Ltd. You are responsible for undertaking your own enquiries to assess the suitability of the Applicant to care of your children before hiring him/her.
- It is the Client’s responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, expense or delay resulting from CultureTree’s introduction. We do not give any guarantee concerning the suitability of any staff introduced by the agency. It is up to the clients to satisfy themselves in this respect. We merely provide you with a method of connecting with childcare providers who have suitable availability.
- You are considered as a consumer for the purpose of these Terms.
- No refund/replacement will be given if the Applicant leaves due to unreasonable demands by the Client or there has been a change in job description, hours, pay or job location.
- The Client will reimburse all reasonable travelling expenses incurred by Applicants who present themselves for an interview.
- The Client will provide the Applicant with full written details of salary and any other benefits.
- All Applicants’ details shall remain confidential and must not be passed indirectly to potential Employers or Employees. A sum equivalent to the full introduction fee will be charged to the Client if the undertaking is breached.
- It is responsibility of the Client to obtain a work permit wherever required for Applicants. CultureTree Ltd. accepts no responsibility if the Applicant is refused entry by a country’s immigration authorities are not permitted to remain in that country, because the Client has failed to arrange a valid work permit. In any such case no fee refund or credit will be given.
Key Information for Bilingual Nannies (Applicants)
13. At all times the Applicant is responsible for ensuring that they comply with all regulatory and statutory requirements in respect of the care of the Children. The Applicant shall comply with all laws and regulations concerning the care of the Children.
14. Every Applicant warrants that they shall provide all childcare with the highest degree of care and attention and in accordance with best industry practice.
15. At all times the Applicant warrants and represents that any and all information provided by the Platform either to us or any Parents or third parties is true, accurate and not misleading.
16. Each Applicant hereby agrees to indemnify us and keep us indemnified on demand and hold us harmless from and against all damages, liabilities, demands, costs and expenses including all legal and other professional fees, costs and expenses, claims, actions and proceedings (including all consequential, direct, indirect, special or incidental loss or punitive damages or loss, fines, penalties, interest and loss of profit or any other form of economic loss (including loss of reputation) suffered or incurred by us arising out of or in connection with any and all information provided by the Applicant to us or any Client or any third party via the Platform including without limitation all qualifications and experience.
17. Every Client hereby agrees to indemnify us and keep us indemnified on demand and hold us harmless from and against all damages, liabilities, demands, costs and expenses including all legal and other professional fees, costs and expenses, claims, actions and proceedings (including all consequential, direct, indirect, special or incidental loss or punitive damages or loss, fines, penalties, interest and loss of profit or any other form of economic loss (including loss of reputation) suffered or incurred by us arising out of or in connection with any breach by them of these Terms.
18. Every Applicant hereby agrees to indemnify us and keep us indemnified on demand and hold us harmless from and against all damages, liabilities, demands, costs and expenses including all legal and other professional fees, costs and expenses, claims, actions and proceedings (including all consequential, direct, indirect, special or incidental loss or punitive damages or loss, fines, penalties, interest and loss of profit or any other form of economic loss (including loss of reputation) suffered or incurred by us arising out of or in connection with any breach by them of these Terms.
19. Clients shall pay us as follows:
- £250 per Bilingual Nanny employed (this is our placement fee).
- We accept payment by Bank transfer.
If you do not make any payment to us by the due date we may charge you interest on the overdue sum at the rate of 4% per annum above the base lending rate of Bank of England from time to time. Interest will accrue on a daily basis from the due date for payment until the actual date of payment of the overdue sum, whether before or after judgement. You must pay any interest due when paying an overdue sum. This will not apply if you have promptly contacted us to dispute an invoice in good faith. No interest will accrue while such a dispute is ongoing.