Use of flashcards
Flashcards can be an excellent way for parents to introduce new vocabulary to their children. They are a simple and effective way to teach children new words and can help build a strong foundation for language learning.

Here are some helpful tips:
- Start with simple words familiar and relevant to a toddler’s daily life, such as objects, animals, and actions.
- Find or create clear and colourful pictures for each word. Ensure that the pictures are easily recognisable and age-appropriate.
- Write the name of the object or action in both the target language and the native language
- Keep the flashcard sessions fun and interactive. Use a playful tone, smile, and create a positive atmosphere around the learning experience.

When using flashcards with children, praise their efforts and celebrate their achievements to enhance their learning experience. It’s important to be patient and flexible and keep the sessions short to adapt to their attention span.