The Soukous Music

The Soukous Music

Soukous music is a style of music that has captivated listeners with its catchy beats and lively performances. Originating in both the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the Republic of Congo in the 1960s, Soukous is a descendant of traditional Congolese rumba. It took a different path, incorporating stunning electric guitar work and…

East Africa’s Matoke Dish

East Africa’s Matoke Dish

Did you know that bananas play a role in East African cuisine? If not, you should try the Matoke dish from East Africa. Matoke is a cooking banana dish that has become a national treasure in countries like Kenya, Rwanda, and Burundi. Each region has its twist, its family recipe passed down through generations, making…

The Vibrant Ewe Culture

The Vibrant Ewe Culture

The Ewe culture is a beautiful and vibrant culture popular in Ghana, Togo, and Benin’s Southeast. The Ewe people are believed to trace their ancestral roots to the powerful Oyo kingdom in Nigeria, but they eventually moved west and settled where they are now. The unique combination of influences in their culture could be attributed…