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Did you know that most babies begin to say their first words between the ages of 12 and 18 months? It’s important to keep in mind that each baby develops at their own pace, and some babies may start talking earlier or later than others. Nonetheless, there are a few tips and tricks that can…
Playing with dolls is a lot of fun and can help your child’s speaking and social skills. Creating entertaining characters can help you be more expressive when telling stories and can truly stimulate your child’s imagination. Tips on using dolls to aid language learning: Playing with dolls is a natural activity for children, and it…
Outdoor activities like walking or playing in the park is a great opportunity to engage with your toddler and help them become familiar with their surroundings by talking about it. This can also assist them in acquiring new vocabulary and language skills. Here are some helpful tips: By describing things in the target language, your…
Playing games is a fun way to learn a new language. You can use simple items around your home to play the tube game. Babies enjoy games that engage their senses: sight, sound, smell, and touch. This game encourages them to listen and learn new words. Here are some helpful tips: Using simple items around…
This is a game that can be very enjoyable for your baby. It can help your baby develop important skills such as attentiveness, listening, and recognising words. It’s best to play this game when your baby is in a calm and relaxed mood, as it may not be as amusing if your baby is feeling…