Talking tube games for babies
Playing games is a fun way to learn a new language. You can use simple items around your home to play the tube game. Babies enjoy games that engage their senses: sight, sound, smell, and touch. This game encourages them to listen and learn new words.

Here are some helpful tips:
- You can use cardboard or an empty toilet roll to make a tube.
- Sit in front of your baby with the tube. Hold the tube near their ear and whisper something to them.
- Try saying their name to get their attention. Can they hear you? If they can, then swap over and whisper in their other ear.
- You can say their name, sing a nursery rhyme, or talk about what you’re doing later. It doesn’t matter what you say; your baby will just enjoy hearing your voice. See if they babble, turn their heads, or laugh in response to the sound of your voice.
- If you can’t find a tube, you can use your hands to make a similar effect.

Using simple items around your home to play games with your baby is a fun and effective way to engage their senses and encourage language learning. The Tube Game is a great example of a game that can help your baby learn new words and enjoy hearing your voice.