Playing Peek-a-boo
This is a game that can be very enjoyable for your baby. It can help your baby develop important skills such as attentiveness, listening, and recognising words. It’s best to play this game when your baby is in a calm and relaxed mood, as it may not be as amusing if your baby is feeling tired or irritable.

Here are some helpful tips:
- To start, cover your face with your hands while your baby is lying down and focused on you.
- Then, ask your baby, “Where did Mummy/Daddy go?” before revealing your face with a big smile and saying, “Peek-a-boo!”
- Wait for your baby’s response, which may be a smile, giggles, or body movement.
- You can then try pulling different faces or changing your tone of voice to see if you can make your baby laugh.

Research suggests that engaging in social games, such as peek-a-boo, can help improve your child’s social skills as they grow up. Moreover, if your little one resists lying down for tummy time, fun games like this can encourage them to spend more time on their tummy, which is important for their physical development.